Findlay Steele Associates Ltd


Is their grandfathering department confused or mistaken?

An e-mail was sent by a gentleman in the other FSA's MACRO Grandfathering Communications department. In the top left hand corner of the e-mail, a phone number, fax number and correct address is given in small font. It is dated 19th June 2001. Given the fact that we received several misaddressed responses to this e-mail, it must have been sent to more than the kind gentleman who actually passed a copy on to us. The pertinent part of the e-mail goes like this:

    "We therefore invite you to attend or send a representative to a second Trade Associations Workshop at our offices at 25 The north Colonnade, Canary Wharf on Monday 2nd July.

    The workshop is scheduled for 10.30 - 12,30 (with coffee available from 10.00). Part of this time has been allcoated for you to meet with a representative of the supervisory department with responsibility for your member firms. This will give you an opportunity to discuss any inssues that are of particular relevance to your members.

    We have arranged an informal buffet lunch afterwards and would be delighted if you could join us. We will cover the position with regard to both firms and individuals.

    Please let me know by e-mail [], whether you are able to be represented, and if so, by whom. "

The font on the bulk of the e-mail is larger than that of the correct address given at the top making the incorrect address more visible and more likely to be used by respondents that the correct one.



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